I think people don’t understand the difference between a point, a service game, a set, and a match. One point isn’t crazy. She could just double fault or she can miss hit it. Serena had 56 unforced errors in one match against Wang Qiang. On her bad days, this is definitely possible. However, a service game is extremely unlikely. Winning a service game is what is needed to get on the scoreboard. I think the question is most likely poorly worded and means a service game.
That being said, it is crazy if a person with no or little tennis experience thinks they can get a point off of her without her actually making a mistake.
Drop shippers aren’t normally authorized sellers/resellers for the product so the manufacturer doesn’t have to warranty their products. Unfortunately, you won’t find out until 6 months down the road.
It can also hurt small businesses because they don’t get to interact with their customers. Their products could get negative reviews on Amazon even if they never wanted sell the product on Amazon. Negative reviews could be because of the shipping or customer service provided by the drop shipper and the customer doesn’t know that the business had nothing to with those issues.