Looking at deepstatemap, I see an unconfirmed thrust along the road in the south, that would endanger the southern part of the incursion, but not the sudzha area as it has the highway for logistics.
Looking at deepstatemap, I see an unconfirmed thrust along the road in the south, that would endanger the southern part of the incursion, but not the sudzha area as it has the highway for logistics.
And we’re supposed to be in a La Niña year.
Speech from a bad episode of The Office, to be honest. Got a little too cringe to be funny.
Today on ‘Murica, we ask why authoritarian countries are such shitholes, and we try an experiment to find out…
I was on the train when trump was first elected, and Europe proposed a European army. A European gent I met told me that would never happen, because trump was a one time thing. I asked what he’s say if trump got elected again, and he responded “that would never happen.”
Well, here we are.
Yeah we’ve pretty much cut back on intelligence here in every aspect…
Robert Evans is a bisexual Texas guy who decided he was going to report on war, so talked his way onto a military plane with other reporters as a stringer when Beirut was a place for barracks bombing. An experienced combat photographer took him under his wing and kept him alive. Evans has walked on concrete smelling the crushed dead from the collapsed structures. I know all this from memory (correct me if I messed anything up) because I researched his background a bit, because his “It Could Happen Here” podcast - about how a US civil war would go down - is very articulate and savvy, and I was curious how he gained that insight.
The only thing more articulate and savvy could possibly be the products and services that support his program. If you lurk on Lemmy, Robert, glad you’re here. Always wished I could hear a conversation between you and Robert Baer for a few hours… partially because I would expect only the best alcohol and other substances to be served in that room.
He’s still so broken up over his ex he renamed twitter.
Still not double trump, but both are working in their respective directions to make that happen.