You’re right and this disregard for the old system is making me nervous. These moves are so economically unsound that I can only draw the conclusion that the old neo-liberal business interests are not a concern anymore. If America tanks its importing and outsourcing model, what will it be replaced with? I’m not confident there’s a plan here (other than isolation and destruction).
Russia’s economy is a war time economy. Everything is transitioned over to war. Even if Russia got everything it demanded today, the war would not end. Why? Because Russia is not prepared and is not willing to dismantle their war-time economy and switch it back to a normal peace-time economy.
Russia is obviously untrustworthy as they break deals and promises all the time (which is how we are here, in war right now). But even if Russia was trustworthy, any peace accord that does not include a roadmap for Russia to renormalize their economy would be a temporary ceasefire at best.
Amazing how far a 3.6% GDP country can get with Assets, Sharp Power, and Chekist attitude alone.
Rubio is a jellyfish. What a coward.