For those saying “just pirate it” some people like the option of physical media and have moral qualms about piracy. This is actually a good thing WB is doing. Just let people have their DVDs
For those saying “just pirate it” some people like the option of physical media and have moral qualms about piracy. This is actually a good thing WB is doing. Just let people have their DVDs
Sounds pretty communist to me
SpaceX has been awarded 2.89 billion to develop starship into HLS. They have zero deliverables even though the first orbital flight was supposed to be 2021, cryogenic in orbit refueling in 2022… They’re supposed to be landing on the moon this year. They’re not even trying.
Aviation and photography!
I know a little about somethings and a lot about like 2 things!
At first I was like 😡. But then I was like 😂
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. So it’s a sexist (and racist) dog whistle.
So Barrett is DEI for voting against Trump. But Roberts is fine.
There is no peace in which Ukrainian land is occupied by Russia. There is no peace if we don’t stand up to Putinnow. He’ll just start the war again in the future. You want a false peace now. I want peace long term.
No. People who repeat Kremlin talking points are Russian bots. I’m still waiting for your solution. That’s more evidence to you bottyness. You’re just trying to stir the pot while pretending to care
You have textbook RT talking points. It’s so fucking obvious you’re a russian asset at the very keast
Russia is importing North Koreans to fight. You think if Ukraine gets unlimited weapons the war will last 5 more years? What day of the 3 day invasion are we on now?
The only reason the war has lasted this long is because of the drip feeding of weapons. which was probably a ploy to extend the war and make defense contractors more rich. So yeah, end it quickly by giving Ukraine what it needs to win.
So, what’s your "totally realistic"TM solution?
Give Ukraine everything they need to kick the Russians off their soil. Tomahawks, F35s, a million artillery shells a week, etc… lift all usage restrictions with the exception of civilian targets and infrastructure. Once every square inch of Ukraine is back in Ukrainian hands full NATO membership and a Marshall like recovery plan.
Or assassinate Putin. As long as Putin lives Ukraine is under threat.
And piss off his billionaire buddies? Doubtful.