Yeah its woody Guthrie. The man was a committed communist
Yeah its woody Guthrie. The man was a committed communist
At least the heaven’s gate people weren’t trying to reproduce their way to power
I bet your literature teacher loved you
This is just his way of separating the goats from thr sheep
I’m not a Christian but man this Trump guy keeps matching what revelations said the anti christ would be so well that I might look into the religion if it wasn’t oppressing me and I wasn’t already happy with my gods
Can I pay my taxes, rent, and student loans in your currency? If not then it’s not real money
Yeah and a lot of them are mad that they only got money and power while the other kids getting our asses kicked, the queer kids, got to be cool as adults instead. /hj
Like i got taught not to be effeminate quite violently. While teachers picked on me for being weird and smart. I guess I just can’t give a shit about these people who love to make sob stories to justify their cruelty and bigotry. They can heal or get out of the way.
Agents provocateur are actually what we historically had to worry about just as much as spies. They’re the guy who’s just raring to go do something a bit risky or really wants to run security for your event. Doing what they say or aiding them will get you arrested.
Yeah he needed to play the moderate. Instead the dumbass yelled at Zelinsky and picked a fight with the pope over catholic theology.
Yeah, considering he paid for a role in a fascist administration that he pushed in a fascist direction and bought a propaganda outlet for he should be afraid for his life. He’s basically set himself up as a fall guy for a reconstruction government, especially if Trump keels over first.
Franco’s life was under threat until the great assassin of time finally came for him. At which point his government fell.
And I don’t feel sorry for him because I’m over here just living my life and he’s trying to get people to hurt me and people like me instead
There’s more to it. To get that rich you need to make roulette level bets with money most of us will never have. For every Musk you have plenty of people born with similar amounts of money who either lived a normal life or made a bad bet. To a certain degree you have to be a bit daft to make these bets at all. If a reasonable investment strategy means you get a comfortable life and a bold one where you dedicste your life to it means you get to buy governments, then you have to be stupid and broken to take the latter.
That’s because you think of money and power as tools to live your life. They think of it as what percentage of the total they possess. They would gladly give life changing money to ensure they can decide how you live your life
Or a civic leader in America
It’s also the height of install. If you drive a subcompact a lot of vehicles will just have lights so high up to you that what’s a reasonable angle for them is directly in your mirror
I don’t want anything about driving at night to look psychedelic or weird as heck
Ooh a place for the cult of the Honda Fit to congregate
Yeah, this is one of the meanings of “property is theft”. To own land is deny all others that piece of land.
So what like under a buck per trans person in this country?
OK I’m still curious but now I know better than to do it with my good bourbon
Kept finding geodes filled with fresh human blood huh?