This kind of statement have way less impact when people already have 0 goodwill toward the one that says it.
This kind of statement have way less impact when people already have 0 goodwill toward the one that says it.
Yeah. And their privacy notice is basically a mix-match of ten or so sections that have no place in a web browser privacy policy, that allows them to do the things people reproach them for doing.
It’s like saying “we’re not doing that, because we’re limited by that document that allows us to do just that”. And now they’re tripling down on it.
Imagine if we already had all the tools needed, and all that’s missing is a bit of hosting and a bit of moderation. If only there was a company with some extra cash behind this… haha.
But it’s seriously time people retake some kind of control over their online activity. All these “services” looking at every occasion to screw their user is getting annoying.
Please no. I’m not sure the world’s ready for more of this ass “fixing” things.