Alpha Centauri system. I’d keep spending money until we got a working fusion reactor and Alcubierre Drive, open source the designs, and go check that shit out.
Alpha Centauri system. I’d keep spending money until we got a working fusion reactor and Alcubierre Drive, open source the designs, and go check that shit out.
I don’t think so. In 2016, while the DNC kept their thumb on the scale for Clinton, the RNC saw voters actually turning out for Trump and let them do it. I remember getting the vibe that they weren’t happy with it, that they really preferred Jeb Bush or some other long standing party man, but at least when their voters spoke up, the Republicans didn’t try to fight them. The shrugged and went, “well, alright”.
Had they put their thumb on the scale for a boring establishment candidate like Jeb or Kasich, it seems to me that Hillary’s chances would have been much better if only for the fact that a lot of unexcited Republicans would have stayed home on election night. I’ve never voted for a Republican, I’ve been hearing “it’s the most important election ever, you’re just going to have to compromise and try to get what you want next time” since 2012. I’ve reliably turned out and voted for the democrats in every election except 2020 [Voted for Jorgensen. Relax, I’m in California, I knew the state would go for Biden, I was just hoping to try and get another party a seat at the table by giving them a bigger slice of the popular vote]. I’m tired of voting for the lesser evil, boss. I’m ready to vote FOR something again.
Nope, sorry, I just saw a politico article about Newsom agreeing with Charlie Kirk on trans people in sports that basically boiled down to “FINALLY! SOMEONE understands that this is the most critical topic in America today, and for Democrats to win, they need to become republicans!”
The democrats aren’t leading us anywhere. They’re not going to save us. They have no vision besides being dollar store republicans and wondering why Republican voters keep choosing Republicans over them.
And how’s that working out?
I think it’s completely nuts that after the last 20 years and especially the last 12 years, Democrats still seem to think that compromising with the right will flip republicans voters. Gavin, my guy, they think you’re literally the reincarnation of Stalin. You could gargle Trump’s nuts and they’d still hate you
Idk, man, kind of a sus one
Speaking as a Californian, unfortunately, he probably is.
Fellas, is instantly vaporizing 60,000 people gay?
Okay, what violence did the pro-palestine movement spread, exactly?
I can accept that some buildings got torched and property values temporarily reduced during the George Floyd protests, but when I hear violence, I think harm against flesh and blood, which the police did much, much more of. I can’t think of many instances where the protestors did that.
What violence and chaos has the radical left spread in the last decade, pray tell
I did vote for Hillary, for all the good it did.
I mean, I don’t put too much stock in that because there’s a bandwagon effect to voting. If people perceived that Hillary or Biden is already the winner, as the media portrayed, then folks are more likely to vote for them. I think a fair election would have seen 2020’s primary looking much more like the 2016 Republican primary, where it was hardly a foregone conclusion that Trump would win.
Nah, miss me with that shit. The way super delegates were set up in the ‘16 primary was total crap, I remember that the media had basically called it for Hillary on almost day 1 of the primary season because every superdelegate announced (before their state primary!) that they were going for Hillary. I think that the HRC campaign really thought they were going to fold in all of the Bernie voters’ votes, money, and energy.
Well, no, not of fabricating ballots. I said I think they had a thumb on the scales, that neither race was fair, not that the votes were fake. So, it’s more like I’m accusing them of giving their candidate of choice significant advantages over the others, which is not something you could call a fair race.
See, there’s serious doubt for me in both cases that Biden and Clinton were really the people’s choice because the party either overtly or quietly kept their thumb on the scale. I can’t find the article anymore, but whoever took over after Debbie Schultz basically found that the HRC campaign was effectively in charge of the DNC during the 2016 primary. I don’t know about you, but I don’t consider that a level playing field at all. Then, in '20, I found it really, really sketchy how Biden won what, two, three states? And all the other candidates with one or two wins suddenly pulled out and pledged all of their delegates for Biden basically at the same time. Could’ve been that Biden was really that cool, but I’ve always had doubts about that.
I’m kinda partial to Great Pacifica, myself.
Hey OP, this sucks. The Russian government are fucking assholes. People are people and don’t deserve to be denigrated because their government sucks.
Besides, this is clearly a picture of a British person.
Well, let’s put a spin on it. You’re getting to experience firsthand the birth of probably like eight to twelve new countries.
What heart? For real, though, even a shallow angle impact here probably would’ve been catastrophic. The occipital lobe and brain stem control a lot of the very fundamental functions of continuing to be alive. It’s nuts how narrowly Trump avoided getting a game over screen.
Though, yeah, a center of mass shot probably would have been all she wrote for Trump. My guess is that the shooter had a very, very narrow line of sight on Trump, and probably only had the head as an option. That’s likely why a few other people were injured or killed in the attempt; IIRC they were inadvertently between Trump and the shooter.
Tbh, yeah, this is a great point