Youre right, but this exact thing was, what i meant with the part about financing. You can see the whole reasoning why this isnt as good as it sounds here: https://feddit.org/post/8969571
Youre right, but this exact thing was, what i meant with the part about financing. You can see the whole reasoning why this isnt as good as it sounds here: https://feddit.org/post/8969571
With our low birth rates and demographic change we need iirc about 200.000-300.000 immigrants per year to stabilise our population, and therefore things like pension (fewer people have to pay for the pension of a growing group of people) etc. Being racist as hell only worsens the situation and only strenghtens the far right AfD, since this causes a decline in rents and the quality and availability of services like public transport or the medical system (as examples). At the same time they also dont really want to do anything to make getting a child more attractive.
Great. I disliked them before so now I have a reason to hate them. Good that I almost never use their service (last year it was something around 2 hours in total or so). I will pirate everything I can and maybe later buy the tracks directly to support the artists.
Wir können viel machen. Engagiere dich bei Linken Organisationen in deiner Stadt. Geh auf, oder organisiere, Demonstrationen. Schreibe den lokalen Abgeordneten. Je lauter wir sind und je mehr wir diesen Arschlöchern zeigen, dass wir bei deren rechten Müll nicht mitmachen, umso eher werden sie dies nicht tun. Politik ist weit mehr als ab und an mal wählen zu gehen.
Noone should profit of war. Arms production is something that the state should do. We devinetively should communism arms production.
Vorwärts nimmer, Rückwärts immer.
In den Sondierungspapieren steht übrigens auch kein Wort zu dem Thema. Also bleibt wohl alles so zu bleiben wie es ist.
You dont even have to say that communism is bad. Saying that Stalin was kinda bad and killed millions of people gets you banned.
Vielen Dank. Übernehmer den.
Nachdem ich den Migrationsteil (Seite 9/10 war der glaube) ist die SPD offiziell Steigbügelhalter für Faschisten. Denn genau das ist die CDU mittlerweile.
Ich habe ernsthaft Angst bekommen als ich das gelesen habe. Das list sich wie ein AfD Wahlprogramm. So eine wiederliche Scheiße habe ich noch nie gesehen.
I would say, that they have different use cases. Only office really has the Microsoft office feeling. In my opinion its also much better for creating presentations. Also, AFAIK it has a better implementation for handling Microsoft office documents. Libre office has a more unique feeling and appearance. It is my go to program for everything that isn’t in any of Microsoft office formats (word documents etc.) Or presentations.
What The actual fuck?
Get your biter eggs on board. We gonna make promethium science.
I am still baffled by these idiots after I learned how 5g works. It isn’t just frequencies increases (I could see why someone might be sceptical about this one). The main difference is simply using another protocol which allows to send more bits with a single signal.
The logistics isn’t that much of a problem. Start small and make yourself a name by being trustworthy and way cheaper than the competition. If you succeed at this stage you can hire people and expand in no time.
Sieh einer an. Herr Schickhose kann sich Koks leisten. Pfft. Immer diese Bonzen.
Das darf der Rechtsanwalt nicht. Damit würde er dich selbst strafbar machen und ich glaube nicht, dass der das Risiko eingehen will.
Oh sorry, I used the wrong word. What i meant was pension. The german word for pension is Rente so i accidentally used the wrong word.