Irrelevant; it is still opinion masquerading as fact. It is an opinion I have encountered many, many times. So the conclusion that it is not an original thesis is reasonable.
The opinion was presented as a universal truth, not a rare occurrence, or even a common occurrence. The word “sometimes”, or similar would have had to have been used for it to be “something that happens”.
And I think you know that.
Yes and the right has Nazis. What of it?
We’re just passing on our ideals through upbringing, storytelling and kindness, like we always have. These are powerful tools.
Edit to add: we’re also a lot sexier.
but if someone utters a thought that doesn’t fit the narrative you’re a nazi, a misogynist, an enlightened centrist, a capitalist, or whatever else can be thrown at you.
This is opinion, masquerading as fact, folks. It’s most likely a regurgitated opinion in my estimation, too.
Thanks for saying so, I’m glad that the message came across.
The thing is you don’t align with the far right. At least I hope you don’t anyway. The far right either hate trans people, or they do not give a shit about them either way. They are using trans people as a political football to sow exactly this type of division. Yes, trans people in sport is an unresolved problem. No, I do not want the right wing to be the ones to resolve it. If you align superficially, you still don’t want to cede to them. Bear in mind “align” only goes as far as saying “we can agree about this one sentence”, not this whole issue.
Godwin’s law is fucked these days so let’s just use the third Reich as an analogy. You may agree that Germany has a legitimate territorial claim on Alsace-Lorraine. Does that mean you should let the Nazis take it? No, you fight them and then resolve it when someone more reasonable is asking. The reasons why should be obvious, and so should the analogy. It’s not about whether the extremely superficial claim is “correct”, it’s about why they are saying it and what they plan to do if they get enough people to agree with them.
In this case, where the war is one of ideas, you’re not a bigot if you agree in a very superficial way, but it’s completely redundant to be talking about trans women in sport when all trans people are being stripped of their rights and it looks like things are getting worse. A year ago we were hoping (again) for the first female president; long overdue. That’s not an issue anymore, as women are now being erased from history.
If you fall back in front of the far right they will take that ground and demand more, as they always have done, and as they always will do. It’s how they win, it’s how they are winning, on trans rights, on immigration, on racial supremacy. Do not give them an inch. It’s not “all or nothing” it’s “give the bigots nothing”.
Have a look around
Your funds are being used so that Ukrainian soldiers can risk their lives defending your border with your biggest enemy.
If you search his name, you’ll see exactly zero big news orgs covering this story. BBC, Reuters, AFP, every British newspaper, all notable by their absence. Why? This is A Story, right?
I don’t think that’s right. You might be thinking of sociopathy or borderline? Me and all my auties feel empathy.