All the boycotts of US goods that I’m seeing can’t be helping, either.
All the boycotts of US goods that I’m seeing can’t be helping, either.
So wait, it’s 69nice for 1 pic, 100 for 3, & 1000 for 5? What if I donate 200?
As an American, I want to thank y’all for what you’re doing. I don’t think our Dear Leader will listen to his own citizens, but maybe if global boycotts work, the people he will listen to (corporations) will tell him to stop this dumbest ever of all trade wars.
Oooh Trump’s gonna get in a fight with Canadian Trump! Get some popcorn y’all!
Let’s see. The roof replacement that’s currently going on at my house is a mess because there are 2 project managers, each speaking different languages. I dumbly scratched my forehead such that everyone I see this week has said, “Ooh what happened there!?” Yesterday, after a shit week so far, wife and I went to have a margarita. I walked into her on the way to our table and removed about ⅓ of my big toenail.
So… not great.
My favorite is “lee” and “leeward.” Both have to do with something being down wind. The former is pronounced as it’s spelled, but the first syllable of the latter is pronounced “loo” or “lew.”
Of course, there’s also the Leeward Islands which are often (mis)pronounced as they’re spelled because most people don’t sail anymore!
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think the effort to make joining Lemmy easier has some downsides. One of the nicest things about these communities is how easy it is to have good conversations with internet strangers. I’ve grown to appreciate and hope for Lemmy not trying to be a Reddit replacement. In fact, I’m totally fine with “the masses” staying in Spez’s data harvesting machine. If, one day, Lemmy gets as popular as Reddit, I think it will inevitably have many of the same problems. It just theoretically won’t be selling your data for profit (one hopes, anyway). My wife isn’t super-techy, and I explained the concept of Lemmy to my wife in about 10 minutes. She set up an account in about 5.
To me, it’s not that using or joining Lemmy is hard. It’s that a lot of people have come to loathe change. They’re told that Lemmy is “like Reddit,” so why leave Reddit, all their accumulated Internet points, and their familiar communities/echo chambers? Pretty much all of them also use other data-harvesting social media sites, so they mostly don’t care about that aspect. When I tell my friends about Lemmy I talk about how the size of the communities is really conducive to good conversations from wide enough ranges of opinions and experiences, compared to Reddit’s too much of everything including trolls.
I think in this case, y’all is more accurate. At least to my understanding. “All y’all” is for every single person in a group, based on my understanding. “Y’all” is the group as a whole. As someone who voted against Trump twice, I’m fine being lumped in with my stupid brethren. We deserve it. But I really don’t want to be seen as one member of that stupid group or people.
Splitting hairs, I know, but what else would we do in Internet forums!?