Doesn’t OP know that just posting on 4chan makes him gay? Why would he have a problem with it?
Doesn’t OP know that just posting on 4chan makes him gay? Why would he have a problem with it?
Holy shit this could really work. If anyone can keep the cult of Trump alive, it’s another Trump. Think of the hero worship of Kim Il Sung in North Korea. MAGA wants to deify Trump in just the same manner. Trump will become the great “God Emperor of America” who will fight to keep the Democrats out of heaven or w/e, and Trump Jr will act as Kim Jong Il and take over ruling.
It really depends on how quickly the old sack of shit actually dies. It’s meant to be the most stressful job in the world, and he’s back to unlimited mcdonalds. If it happens quickly, maybe the whole house of cards just collapses.
Oh nonsense. You have no idea how far down this hole goes. Things are just going to keep getting worse at an increasingly fast pace.
That’s not true!
I can get high too :3
Definitely haven’t been hitting the gym three times a week to make sure my punches are strong enough to kill. No siree, I’m definitely not training to specifically throw a 15lb punch at the neck of any fascists who attempt to detain me illegally.
Sure, but that depends on the person. You shouldn’t get that much more motion sick than you would be traveling in a car at 80 mph.
You also aren’t technically moving, which is an interesting thing to think about. You’re standing still the whole time, and magically appearing seven inches ahead as fast as you can react. Your vestibular system shouldn’t actually detect any movement at all, so maybe people sensitive to carsickness would still be okay.
Does 3 cost me any energy, or are there any other limitations on how quickly I can teleport?
Yeah it’s a little annoying to only be able to go seven inches at a time, but if there’s no limitations or cooldowns, you can move seven inches every ~250 milliseconds. That’s pretty close to a mile and a half a minute. If it doesn’t exhaust you, that’s still a pretty efficient and speedy method of travel.
Of course they’re stupid; they’re Americans.
Good, hope they strip it to the bone. Ever since they started locking up anything and everything in their store, I’ve tried to use them less and less. They’re one of the biggest proponents on the side of the insane narrative that shoplifting is destroying American businesses, even though last I checked they were happy to engage in massive amounts of wage theft.
A big thing that’s been weighing on my mind recently has been the impending threat of climate change. Who is actually going to be able to step up and potentially prevent our extinction as a species? It’s definitely not America. Europe has too many incoming threats to be able to focus on the climate crisis. In terms of world powers, it sure seems like the PRC is the only chance humanity will have, as long as we can convince them to care.
I don’t like that, but I don’t see another option. I guess if our options are extinction as a species or the Chinese model, I’ll choose the Chinese model.
I suspect he’s playing it up for the camera in order to differentiate himself from American conservatives now that they’ve begun turning on Canada. It’s something I imagine we’ll see out of Poilievre as well, because otherwise they’ll quickly become unelectable.
Just remember that they were chums all up until this point, and that’s still damning. Ford supported American conservatives all the way until the leopards turned to eat his face. Yeah, it’s cool that he’s going above and beyond to fight back now, but he still wants Ontario to act like Texas.
See the problem is, I am the one of the left. So I want the one on the right, and that’s also how I want my men.
Considering how much of the Internet is now backed by AWS… yeah good luck with a full, 100% boycott, unless you’re willing to install a plug-in to let you know which parts of the web are on AWS and specifically avoid them.
That being said, a 100% boycott is borderline puritanical. It’s very easy to order nothing from Amazon, and if enough of us do it will make a noticeable dent in their profits.
I’m certain he’s doing it for the wrong reasons, but it’s nice to see the angry raging conservative attacking a genuine asshole for once.
It really doesn’t seem that hard to just constantly disprove the lies they’re telling, over and over, until eventually the people who are still sane in this country understand what a non-issue the conservatives are freaking out over. I feel the same way about their “migrant crime” myth, which Democrats also immediately capitulated to and started campaigning on fixing despite crime statistics clearly demonstrating migrants do not commit crimes at a higher rate than the general populace.
It’s almost like standing up for their beliefs was never the goal, and they’ll just say whatever makes their corporate donors happy.
There already is, and there has been for many years. Students in blue states, on average, perform better on all standardized tests compared to students in red states. I’ve also seen some extremely suspect coursework being reported on these kids’ transcripts, like engineering coursework getting counted as a foreign language, or multiple years of Christian theology “electives” that every student suspiciously takes being given at public schools.
In fact, the real issue is that this has been going on for so long, an entire generation of teachers were taught by these poor red state education systems. Now you have people who take pride in their illiteracy teaching freshmen U.S. history, to the exact effect that you’re imagining.
Edit: Jfc, I just read a student’s essay from Virginia where they’re lamenting the fact their high school didn’t do any literary analysis of books, but instead analyzed Youtube videos and short poems. They’re not even teaching reading anymore. Sure, this student was motivated to go beyond their high school curriculum and focused on learning the classics themselves, but what about the other 446 students in their class?
It’s probably not Photoshop, I see shit like this all the time on light posts in my city. There’s a really great one near me that breaks down why our police are awful, and asks for nobody to join the department. Pretty important, since the police have been desperately trying to hire for months.
Also saw one that was just Deny, Defend, Depose, very similar style to this one, but black text on red. I imagine it was a local anarchist’s work.
It’s common for gross American men to rate women on a scale of 1-10 for hotness. The joke is that Trump doesn’t think the lady of liberty is very attractive.
No, I think they’re going to stop existing in 5-10 years.