Any file manager on Linux supports this
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Any file manager on Linux supports this
Are photographers artists? https://p.drkt.eu/
I just type sftp://[ip, domain or SSH alias]
into my file manager and browse it as a regular folder
That doesn’t really change that it’s one company hosting it. Unless you’re willing to make 10 different accounts because your super-FOSS friends aren’t willing to join each others instances?
Have you tried? Because Proton is the miracle people make it up to be.
From what I can read, it’s not a function of Soulseek. That’s a function of Nicotine+ and all it does is automatically query Soulseek every few minutes and maybe download automatically if it finds something.
I don’t use Nicotine so I don’t know. It’s almost certainly not a feature of Soulseek tho
Any. Is that a function of soulseek? I’ve never heard of it
Unrelated but how do you wishlist something on slsk?
Linux is truly extensible and it is the part I both love and struggle to explain the most.
I can sit at my desktop, developing code that physically resides on my server and interact with it from my laptop. This does not require any strange janky setup, it’s just SSH. It’s extensible.