Ah ok ok 👍. That makes sense. But I knew that of course. Just to be sure, though, could you explain it again? Ha ha
Ah ok ok 👍. That makes sense. But I knew that of course. Just to be sure, though, could you explain it again? Ha ha
But what if they did??? I wouldn’t be such an idiot then, eh? So the only difference is that it was not real? Well so much for the tolerance of the so-called ‘frogs gay-makers’.
Are you a goddamn lobbyist working for the anti-propaganda agenda?
Not in his synapses, we know that much.
Well done, I’m completely upset now 😡. The nerve some people have to exist. Unbelievable.
1 mile
take the bus
This is a complete fiction, right?
20 × 16 × 10 = 32000 is definitely in the supershenanigans domain
Mr. President Troomp, Yurop has taken Alaska and the French are attacking Ohio by train.
And the bears… the bears have the Bomb
Comes in two flavours:
ETA: missed the ‘not racist’, sorry. Truly a legend then.
I am broccoli