I see they also invented a new connector standard, Nano-USB Type C.
Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.
I see they also invented a new connector standard, Nano-USB Type C.
I think your math is off given that just a typical US consumer full sized refrigerator can use ~650 kWh/year and still be considered Energy Star qualified.
No shit. All they have to do is finally grow the balls to build SSD’s in the same form factor as the 3.5" drives everyone in enterprise is already using, and stuff those to the gills with flash chips.
“But that will cannibalize our artificially price inflated/capacity restricted M.2 sales if consumers get their hands on them!!!”
Yep, it sure will. I’ll take ten, please.
Something like that could easily fill the oodles of existing bays that are currently filled with mechanical drives, both in the home user/small scale enthusiast side and existing rackmount stuff. But that’d be too easy.
There had been the Quizzing Device, a three-ton water-driven monstrosity based on a recently discovered design by Leonard of Quirm. It had been a bad idea. Captain Carrot of the Watch, who had a mind like a needle under his open smiling face, had surreptitiously substituted a new roll of questions like: “Were you nere Vortin’s Diamond Warehouse on the Nite of the 15th?” and: “Who was the Third Man Who did the Blagging At Bearhugger’s Distillery Larst week?” and had arrested three customers before they caught on.
Damn it, Pirate Bay. Again?
Amazon boycott March 7th through forever. There’s no need to give them an end date. Our action is completely toothless when we literally spell out for them exactly when we’ll come crawling back start giving them money again.
In a way, we brought this on ourselves by tolerating scalpers. Gamers made it known that they’ll go hysterical and pay any price to have it now. If enough of us don’t do that, scalping video cards won’t be a lucrative business and the fuckers will be forced to give up. I guarantee you the reason the stock is disappearing so fast is because resellers have their fucking bots set up to spam all the retailer web sites, and the rest is people trying to compete with them.
What a rat race. Fuck the entire thing.
We have it better than we’ve ever had it at any point in the past, also: Broad PCI-E backwards compatibility means you can stick your old card in your new board and tough it out for a few months until the fervor dies down and/or the scalpers lose their shirts sitting on their inventory.
I’m just like Chuck Norris. Every time the game thinks of me, it loses.
This one is kind of skirting the line but I’m leaving it up because I am cackling at misanthropy, and also fuck Tesla.
Also, I believe “inter-class” is the word you were looking for there.
I’ve driven through Snoqualmie Pass in the snow. Much of Wyoming, also. Yeah, midwesterners have no concept. They just think they do.
As Chief Executive Asshole around here, it is indeed one of my jobs to throw people out of the building when necessary. And also to tell self-important clients “no” when it’s appropriate.
Yeah, and all the morons from the Midwest stick their thumbs in their belt loops and insist that they really know how to drive in the snow, don’cha know, not like you coastal people.
And yet there isn’t a single guardrail anywhere in Minnesota that hasn’t got a Chevy Suburban shoved halfway through it.
Hey, I watched a movie about this once!
A woman once came to my place of work with a dog wearing an obviously fake service dog vest and patch. I know this for two reasons. One, the dog was completely out of control and yipping and scampering around all over the place and jumping on everybody, which is generally not service dog behavior. And two, once she learned the owner of our company had a dog she immediately launched into her sales pitch pushing him to buy her fake service dog patches, which she flat out admitted are for getting your dog into places it otherwise wouldn’t be allowed. I think this might have also had some kind of pyramid scheme aspect.
“Did you know??? Businesses are not allowed to discriminate against you or your dog if it says it’s a service animal! It’s Federal law!!!”
I threw her out. This made her very incensed.
I told her in no uncertain terms that the only thing she’s accomplishing is training people – not dogs – that they can ignore legitimate service animals because they might be dipshit Karens like herself are going around with fake service dogs causing problems everywhere they go. I am positive she lacked the empathy or self-awareness to understand the harm that this could cause to someone with a real service dog who was in need of actual help.
But she’s still banned. Too bad, not sad.
I imagine it’s a lot more for their donors than their constituents.
Good on you.
In the wallet is the only viable place in which most folks can strike these bozos.
All of these organized boycotts should explicitly be indefinite until the behavior of the company in question improves. Then, not only is there no time frame for them to plan to weather out, but they also know you’re taking your business to their competitors instead.
I’m already there. Amazon screwed me over on a rather expensive purchase about a month ago and I’m done with them. They “lost” my package (by their own admission) and still haven’t found it, but are steadfastly refusing to refund me until the item makes it back to their warehouse.
Given that I’m positive one of their delivery contractor people stole it, I know for a fact this will never actually happen. It’s been 34 days so far… So I just charged back my credit card.
The model uses “advanced reasoning, thinking, and multimodal capabilities”…
Well, LLM’s are incapable of actually doing the first two, so we’re already off to a great start.
I don’t think it’s much in the way of hyperbole to say that if they make this the default or worse, only search output option then this will be the thing that literally destroys the company.
No one except idiotic boardroom denizens actually wants this. Google failing to provide actual search results is the singular one and only thing that could actually get users to switch away from using it – and not do that thing where they just grumble and bitch and moan but keep using it anyway. And if no one is searching on Google then nobody is seeing ads on Google, which means Google will not be selling ads.
I will laugh so hard if this happens.
You can format a flash drive with whatever the hell file system you want. Just, don’t expect anything formatted exFAT to work in any dedicated device made before 2019, nor even the majority of them made afterwards.
The ones who need to get their shit together are the manufacturers of printers, media players, car head units, set top boxes, game consoles, and all the other things into which you might want to insert a flash drive (or memory card) that is not a full-blown PC.
And if you really want a simulacrum of a real product for whatever reason, Aliexpress exists and has the same crap available for a fraction of the cost, and doesn’t enrich Jeff Bezos.