Not sure about the brand but if it helps then it’s likely good
Not sure about the brand but if it helps then it’s likely good
We got piles on my gardens which will get covered for composting in place for the rest of the year. Also our wildflower garden is pretty much untouched except a yearly mow to remove baby trees. So plenty of spots for bugs
I saw a few lightning bugs in my yard last year. My life goal have them consistently in my yard. Good thing this dovetails nicely with my other life goals of getting butterflies, bumblebees and birds in my yards
No. Get an Electric Mattress Pad. They last longer and since they are less flexible they can put larger heating elements in them
Better yet. Use both
Echenacia does has some immune boosting properties but it needs to be actual Echenacia. Most low quality herbal supplements are not what they are labeled. Since there are no regulations they can put whatever in there. If you really want to the actual benefits even make it yourself or get it from a higher quality sources. I am planning on making some whole plant Echenacia tincture this year for next winter
I feel like this is the story of the internet. Interesting niche site gets a little popular. Site gets purchased by giant. Giant cuts costs and removed interesting things about site. Site loses visits because it’s boring. Another round of cuts and the site is gone.
I miss weird Internet sites
I loved reading about their sports models and their model development. Polling was kind of interesting but their sports prediction was great.
I want to be as efficient as possible for my job. So I can get as much done in as little amount of time as possible so I can get back to my life. Only goal
Ending DEI was it for me
I’ve been boycotting Target for months now
I think this article does a great job talking about there isn’t enough examples and models of an non-toxic masculinity out there. Women are told and have examples about many different ways to be women. Thanks to work of female feminists for years being childless, a stay at home mother, working a “feminine” job, working a “masculine” job, etc. are all valid options for women and are celebrated by women.
For men there is celebration of only one kind of man. We need more examples and celebrations of the varieties of men out there. I think this is especially true for straight men. I think straight men should borrow some of these examples from both the Gay community and from women. I personally as a straight man have found a lot of acceptance and value from how Gay men value diverse bodies types of men. I find it validating to me own experience and women are starting to do the same. We as men need to start celebrating each other in the ways that women do. After doing this enough and making it safe enough for women to join in a lot of good examples can be set for young men to see there are multiple celebrated options of masculinity. I think it might be hard for straight men to understand they are not the best at this and we should follow the lead of other but it is best course of options.
My Mushrooms of the Upper Midwest Guide has a series of top edibles in my region. Morels, Inky Caps, Cauliflower Mushroom, Chicken of the Woods, Oysters Mushrooms, Chanterells, Giant Puffballs, King Bolete, Black Trumpet and Hen of the Woods. All are suppose to be easy to identify without a deadly look alike. I haven’t gotten a chance to try anyone yet but hopefully this year.
There’s a few top edible mushrooms that look like nothing else. Good starting point
I like the idea of goth broth