They have good intentions, but the game is being published by EA. Can they actually say now to micro transactions?
They have good intentions, but the game is being published by EA. Can they actually say now to micro transactions?
Why would they want to cure Alzheimer’s? They need their population to be forgetful, irrational and prone to sundown. How else can they lie and rile them up without consequence?
Can you imagine being the first president whose wife gives birth to another man’s baby while in office?
If only there was a journalistic entity that could have looked into Trump before he was elected.
He should take some friends with him to make sure that they can see how good he is at fixing things.
Bill of Rights things Trump doesn’t think you should have.
1. Freedom of the Press.
Looks like people who talk with a deep drawl.
Number one African welfare queen.
Why buy plastic when you’ll have legit ones from all the people dying because of no hospitals.
“Lord of the Flies” type feeling.
Xanatos is the villain Elon wishes he was. Isn’t even playing multiple gambits simultaneously. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/XanatosGambit
No, we see if chickens float.