True facts. Unlike things like Fragile X Syndrome that have clear sex-based biological mechanisms behind prevalence rate differences (see below for example), I think the gender discrepancies don’t actually exist for most Disabilities. Raise all kiddos without racialized and gendered societal expectations, and prevalence rates will mostly come out in the wash (this is a broad sweeping statement that completely lacks nuance, but work with me).
(Example: people with 1 X chromosome present Fragile X Syndrome more frequently because there is only 1 X chromosome to carry the genetic load of the X chromosome, typically people with 2+ X Chromosomes present less (unless multiple copies carry it) because the non-affected X chromosomes can pick up the slack).
Oh absolutely, and I’m sorry if you thought I was trying to invalidate your experiences at all, that was not my intention. That combination of ‘only boys have it’ and the (again gendered behavior expectations) for afab folx is killer.