I mean sure whatever but at the end of the day you’re just remaking pocahontas poorly for the third time.
I mean sure whatever but at the end of the day you’re just remaking pocahontas poorly for the third time.
Monster Hunter series.
Region locked here for no reason. Guess I’ll watch them ad free.
As an euro I also use it rarely but it just has unbeatable price and availability for products sometimes. The only alternative is aliexpress, which isn’t a real alternative since China can go get fucked too.
hey, come on, this is a good start. It should be replaced with a complete boycott, but both americans with impulse control will propably boycott amazon. For the rest, it’s a great start and you can bet it will not be the last.
I dont think the owner of this car would care about the disgusting lower class meat or their so called opinions.
Their armies literally have forced homosexual intercourses.
I tried ages to get the books but the nice ones are all gone now. I will get the epib.
He shouldn’t have a site.
This was one that popped into my pre coffee morning mind as well.
Instead of exploring the mystery of the gorge and it’s workings and using it to maybe explore the sticky situation characters find themselves in, americans and russians just do their favourite pastime and genocide the local populace for fun.
Its super easy dish, the trick is to just cook peppers until they are completely soft and to cook the the tomato sauce until it becomes sweet.
There is also menemen which is shakshouka but more natural flavors and no spices.
You’re a monster.
I wished cancer on plenty pro putinist, pro stalinist, pro genocide pieces of shit and got permad as well.
I have so much free time now.
Sick kickflip
One of the best endings. The music was also incredible.
You have to somehow find pastures for a million male deer and instead you procastinate with freshly hatched chicken. Weird.
Its simple, russian wants them to and they must do what putin says or else.
Its not really that complicated. It’s simply trason.
Oh no, its over. Discord going to become unbearable in a few years tops.
People keep saying rhat since avatar doesn’t have a good plot.