Deezer is French
Deezer is French
An easy way out. That’s it.
If it’s about a material thing - being able to throw it away and buy a “correct” one without worrying about recouping any money.
If it’s about politics - open path to changing your opinion without constantly being called out for your previous opinion. I feel like changing your mind is punished to an extreme. You need to have always believed the “correct” thing without showing any doubt or you’re out. And this is common to many political groups.
They are a party of cognitive dissonance. She’s the perfect leader.
Supposedly one of Putin’s homes. Idk how often he actually stays there.
In his defense, in 1721 vaccines were really a new unproven technology. And if you don’t know it works, or even what causes diseases in the first place, it’s reasonable to be skeptical. It’s also reasonable to change your mind when you see it does really work.
Antarctica. It’s possible, there are regular tours to the South Pole. In reality I can’t afford €60k+ for such a tour, but if money is no object I’d go
It looks like an NFC antenna. But I can’t explain why would one be on a disc.
Does it provide some additional data to a player? Or helps the publisher track it somehow?
So does this mean DP is something you need to work for in the porn industry? Like they don’t let beginners do it, you need to reach a certain seniority level before you’re allowed to take on serious projects.
Christian evangelism
It seems their plan is to commit so much evil that it provokes God into action to bring on the apocalypse
The opposite actually - rows are dramatically added to a database. In most games save files grow the longer you play.
What did you say that thing is? A *kʷekʷlo ? Stupid invention, it’ll never catch on.
*Russian agent