And yet, the Tankies assured me that rare earths were the “real” reason the US was supporting Ukraine all along.
God their reads on situations are horseshit.
And yet, the Tankies assured me that rare earths were the “real” reason the US was supporting Ukraine all along.
God their reads on situations are horseshit.
Maj. Kong: I’m about to horse around with the gayist shit hits bomb release again.
Falcon 9 exists and now beats out Soyuz for the reliability record. That’s the work of countless engineers who are isolated from its idiot CEO as much as any of Musk’s companies can be.
TSA are cops. Do we show solidarity with cop unions?
Montana is an interesting state. It’s seems deep red on the surface, but will suddenly swing progressive when you’re not expecting it.
Unicode art. Should be more of that where ASCII art left off.
Organizing people to do something is useful on its own.
Don’t knock it too much, he’s also the most coherent ml’er.
Sabrina Waterford might be realizing this isn’t actually the world she wants.
Judaism likely developed out of worship of a specific deity in a pantheon. All the idol worship bans are probably a way to distance yahweh worship from everything else. It exists only to be different.
The real trouble comes when Biblical literalists try to apply this to modern situations. There are still major religions that have idols, but they tend not to be anywhere near American Christian nationalists. But when you believe every single part of the Bible is true and meaningful for your life today, you have to find some reason for it to be there.
“Umm, err, do you have a poster of Kobe Bryant on your wall? Totally an idol in the same way the Bible talks about golden calfs.”
They charged the American double and it still felt like a bargain.
I’ve known this fact in the past, but I’m not sure I’d remember it in the moment.
Worst example of tail wagging the dog. Trump says stuff, and followers think it’s a good idea because Trump said it. Nobody actually wanted this.
For instance, while Homer-Dixon sees Donald Trump as an “abominable” figure, he also notes that, “like an acid”, the president dissolves norms around him. That creates the risk of disaster but also offers opportunities to change the world for the better.
If we can get the workers to organize against the Musk Administration, then we’ll be in a much better position going forward. There’s nothing to lose but our chains.
I agree, but I understand the temptation. It can take your company from 0 to 100 almost instantly, since you have the budget to hire social media and SEO experts to take you to that magical “viral” status. Not doing this often means toiling in obscurity and never going anywhere. If you do manage to make enough money for your whole team to quit their day jobs, then it almost certainly took longer.
Quick and easy path leads to the Dark Side.
I personally believe it’s due to lack of public investment in education and technology in western countries.
And you are correct, but why do you assume there’s any eugenics-themed arguments above? There is nothing of the sort. Everything the other poster says is completely compatible with Taiwan investing in education and technology that the US failed to do.
And still is, so your point is still bunk.
Or, like, white Americans adopting any other culture from black Americans.
The US supported Taiwan for ideological reasons long before TSMC was a thing. Your reading of the situation is completely bunk.
Which is such a bangup job. The F-35 program was predicted on allies being able to buy it. Which they were in droves.
It’s weird, but Trump might do irreversible damage to the US MIC. Not out of any principled stance, but because he doesn’t understand anything.