At first i didn’t believe it when my coworker told me “lots of businesses have a natural lifetime of 20 years. After that, they enshittify.” I thought he was making it up.
Now, however, i believe it. Seeing how Google has started massively enshittifying its products around 2020, roughly 20 years after its inception, after providing good service for sth like 20 years (think 2012 Youtube), and Musk starting to be a rampant asshole, after having put out tweets such as this one:
as recently as in 2018.
ahaha that’s a good one.
It’s like asking a pet owner “why are you so attached to your pet? you only spend money to buy food, can’t you just spend that money on a floor-cleaning robot instead? it even moves in similar ways and makes some noise, so how big could the difference really be?”
well, one has a soul, the other does not.