I’m Dutch and I think this map is completely unfair. It overrates our food significantly
I’m Dutch and I think this map is completely unfair. It overrates our food significantly
I’m Dutch, so pretty far away yeah
Fair point. Yeah that fits exactly
It’s a fictional universe where progressive means “for technological progress” and conservative means “against technological progress”. So they are just advanced techbros in this universe who are technologically progressive because the technology gives them power and money.
Damn that’s quite the difference. Worth considering yeah. I do want to be flexible though, so I hope it still allows you to switch e-mail provider without changing the e-mail address
Honestly there are only wrong opinions and the Hive. Blessed be the hive! Merge with the future or be exterminated!
This makes me realize that I never saw a non-male techbro. Somehow the techbro crowd seems to mostly consist of young men.
Very me irl. Almost the same ages. I’m looking to change it to one that uses my own domain name though, so I can switch email providers in the future. The convenience of Gmail was always too much to overcome, but the US is no longer to be trusted and I’d rather use something European and cut any ties to the US. Before the orange man pulls some stunt that either results in all my mail being inaccessible or all my mail being shared with the world wide web.
I don’t think you’re fully wrong, for many people exercise does do wonders for their mental health. But it is definitely not the fix for everyone’s mental health issues. And telling people that all their issues can be solved if they would just exercise is just plain wrong.
Mental health is complex and there is no silver bullet. People who say “oh you’re depressed? Just do X, it always helps” are always wrong. For many people therapy works, but not for all. For many people exercise works, but not for all. For some people a simple blood check will reveal some vitamin D or B12 deficiency, and tackling this issue might improve stuff, but definitely not for all. Mental health for most people isn’t a battle where you flip one switch and get back into “the light”. It’s a long battle with ups and downs, that often doesn’t ever reach a fully stable “good” state. For me personally there are still plenty of bad moments, but now that I know that things can get better again and I’ve got the tools to get there, the bad moments generally are only temporary.
My thoughts are with his family. How tragic
I never used to be a morning person, but honestly I prefer it this way now. I want to have the work done before my free time, and I want my free time to have as much daytime as possible. Following my current working hours has me awake when the sun is up, which personally gives me way more energy than doing stuff in the dark. I’d love to wake up later, but honestly that just wastes a nice part of daytime. You can train your body to maintain a schedule like this and then any other one will feel weird.