They likely just clicked something like “copy URL” somewhere and that’s what it gave them.
My username is a wordplay on the Linux command filesystem check: fsck.
They likely just clicked something like “copy URL” somewhere and that’s what it gave them.
Asphodel, most likely.
Could we get some more meme with that jpeg?
Jabba could’ve been NalHutta
To add to that, to effectively use docker and basically anything important for self-hosting is to learn the basics of Linux.
A good resource for that is https://learnlinux.tv/
At first I read the title as
How much pareidolia is too much?
And I was bracing for a fun thread, but then my brain caught up and now I’m disappointed.
You’re seriously overly concerned and worked up over the fact I simply disagree with you and have evidence supporting my reasoning.
I thought you were saying that you don’t care about me? You seem to care a whole lot about what I think, considering you’re trying real hard to be insulting, but you just look like a fool instead.
Move on, kiddo.
I never claimed he was proven guilty or convicted. I’m only stating there is valid evidence that he paid for an assassination.
You say the case was dismissed due to a lack of evidence, but I’ve seen no proof that was the actual reason for dismissal. Also “not enough evidence” doesn’t invalidate existing evidence, it just means there is not enough that meets very specific requirements for a conviction, not that a person could not logically conclude an event happened as a matter of personal opinion.
Again, “innocent until proven guilty” does not mean a person can’t be personally judged by individuals, as a matter of personal opinion, for that person’s actions simply because a court of law had not convicted him of it. Especially if there is evidence of those actions.
For example, it’s clearly obvious that OJ Simpson murdered his wife and another person. But he was not convicted of it.
There is evidence, though. I provided a reputable source that states such. So, you’re just misrepresenting my point.
The government also presented evidence that DPR commissioned the murders of five people to protect Silk Road’s anonymity
“Innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t exonerate a person from personal judgement based on facts simply because they have not been convicted in a court of law.
Edit -
Also, just because a case has been dropped doesn’t mean they weren’t guilty. Based on evidence, it’s more than reasonable to state he attempted to have someone assassinated.
You’re also going to need to provide more supporting information than a single article that’s a clear opinion piece written by a business that is biased towards supporting Ulbricht. You also share this bias being an apparent libertarian yourself, which could imply you cherry-picked this article.
Not that I can’t change my mind, but that one link ain’t gonna do it.
Well, that’s not quite what happened. There is evidence he ordered the hit and paid for it. The tainted cop tricked Ulbricht into thinking that the killing took place.
Page 19 under heading “2. Murders Commissioned by Dread Pirate Roberts”
Didn’t he also pay to have someone assassinated?
Shouldn’t we also count his moral bankruptcies?
I get you, and I agree that the division is done. But that’s also how propaganda works. It takes existing issues and plays on those to make things worse.
What makes you think this is okay to post here? It’s explicitly against the stated rules.
Looking at their post history, I question if this user is actually intentionally trying to sew divide. I don’t see anything positive and only see things that point out really negative stuff and needlessly attacking other users.
I’m going to block this user, and I suggest others do, too.
Yeah, I’m not buying into your trolling. Go somewhere else.
Interesting how you feel the need to disingenuously misrepresent my point.
“fastfouriertransfem” is a great username
Here’s that image seemingly posted to Imgur by the photographer