Negative. I am a meat popsicle.
Reported for untagged gore. Blocked for being a shitbag troll.
Nah, they just hate black and/or poor people.
For the lazy
We accept your proposal
Alpha Centauri
Based on the novel with the same name, by Stephen King. So that’s another option.
Nukes aren’t going to help them unless they also have a time machine. And Thailand has never had a strong relationship with the US, even before Trump, so they’d need a time machine or other magic there as well.
Again, what the fuck do think they could have done?
I’m curious what you think Thailand could do. China is an 800 lb gorilla only a couple hundred kilometers away and explicitly threatening retribution. In the current state of the world order, how exactly do you see that playing out?
Sure seems like Xi is emboldened with Trump in office. 4 more years of this. Fucking hell.
Eh. That seems like wishful thinking. He just blamed it on “the other guy” because his base is gullible and ill-informed.
That… seems like a poor design.
Where is George Hayduke when we need him?
If someone calls you a Nazi and you lean into it, you’re a white supremacist bag of shit. Not a Nazi, mind, but just a racist piece of shit. And likewise, if you defend doing it as “just a troll, to own the libz”.
A private citizen should be allowed make whatever gesture they want. And I am free to point out that makes him a racist shitbag, along with his defenders. Like you.
He, however, is no longer acting soley as a private citizen, so it is much worse. Go ahead and defend that now. He also voiced support for AfD. You know, the German far-right party. The one that is the spiritual successor to the actual Nazis. I’m sure you’ll argue that was just a troll and hes really a swell guy, right?
Yea, iirc its a spinoff of that from ages ago.
Usenet indexer, no affiliation
Yuup. Torrents are for the rare thing I care about that isnt on either nzbgeek or matrix.
Also Fennec, iirc.
Fuck you. This shit is traumatic for me. had family members murdered by the actual Nazis. Blocked you and this shithole community.