He 100% wants to sign it larger than anyone else.
Cannot agree more. I have done a lot to transition all my purchasing power to Canadian companies but I haven’t gotten there 100%. Every bit matters, every lost sale will add up.
Hey I’m participating for a few years now and I didn’t even know it.
There’s been a lot of fun ones. The battle for second place is bloody and impossible to call, but the number one spot belongs only to the BFG.
I wasn’t body shaming.
To be quite frank, you don’t need to afford any of those things to not be obese.
Hoping to get one on launch day.
That just seems malicious to anyone who might find your answer and get increasingly frustrated by your incorrect advice.
Those who blame the nonvoters for Trump winning are implying that had they voted, Trump would have lost. We cannot know that and I do not find it productive. Again, I actually am in favour of compulsory voting, so urging people to vote is a good thing that I’m very much for. But I’m not going to blame those who didn’t vote for Trump for Trump winning.
But you don’t know who non voters would have voted for. A study of non voters in 2020 showed a near even split, so it’s nothing but pointless speculation to blame people who didn’t vote. And I say this as someone who actually supports compulsory voting. I just find it much more productive, and accurate, to lay blame on those who we do know, for sure, actually voted for this result.
It’s a very popular sentiment on Reddit and Lemmy, in my experience, to blame non voters as much as or even more than Trump voters.
He’s already doing that. US stopped all aid to Ukraine (even though it’s probably not legal for him to decide that), and is planning on lifting sanctions against Russia.
Great but I already do as much as I personally can handle. Would be great if society at large, e.g. laws, regulations, and big corps, could get on the same level.
I find it very strange that anyone would find something sexual about that photo.