Ugh why is it that they always resemble root vegetables?
Ugh why is it that they always resemble root vegetables?
Traitor. How has the military not stepped in yet to “defend their constitution”?
If only there were a list of names… and addresses…
I’m still waiting to hear what they’ve done to combat injustice in their home today. Or even yesterday for that matter.
EDIT - They responded, they’re a G.
“Earnest Hemmingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for.’ I agree with the second part.”
Americans really still just look on and do nothing while the Trump administration is tearing the country apart
That’s my deal. What have you done to defend your community and home today? Or yesterday?
EDIT - Assuming you’re an American resident and if not why the fuck are we having this conversation.
I feel like you’re proving my original point.
I was open enough to share a list of things i’ve done, do you mind sharing yours?
Is being smug and looking down on people from your high horse worth it? Are you enjoying yourself?
This is why I don’t share the things I’ve done to try and help, because random people on the internet who have done nothing say shit like this. Like I said, there’s no winning, i’m either bragging or lying. You asked I answered, and you’re still not happy.
EDIT - I was open enough to share a list of things i’ve done, do you mind sharing yours?
In middleschool some peers and I helped run a fundraiser and helped organize in 2003 against the war in Iraq (kinda started here, cuz I naiively thought we were past that as a species)
When living in America during my teens, attended every protest I could physically go to to march against KKK and NeoNazi rally’s, we even (foolishly) got physical with them.
November 2011 was at Occupy Wall St. where 800+ of us were arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge. (first time being arrested at a protest)
2012-2013 worked with Greenpeace, Wilderness Society, and alongside with Bob Irwin (Steve Irwin’s dad) in his Fight for the Reef campaign to protect the Great Barrier Reef from coal shipping expansion (successfully managed to delay the Australian coal industries plan for a whole year, sadly they dredged the GBR anyway but I’d like to think we gave them a headache.)
2013 onwards - Attended every protest but at this point I’m past yelling and shouting, nowadays I hand out bottles of water and information on rights and what to do if you’re arrested or confronted by police.
2024 - Helped defend Plymouth UK from the fascist pogroms, same as above except also using my body as a shield to protect others from bricks. Hurt like a bitch but i’d take a million more. Also help run classes and leftist meetings alongside socialist members of government to teach members of the public everything from history of anti-fascism to safe resistance to mutual aid and preformative politics to cybersecurity to fascist dog-whistles and local fascist groups.
Does this qualify as doing something?
In middleschool some peers and I helped run a fundraiser and helped organize in 2003 against the war in Iraq (kinda started here, cuz I naiively thought we were past that as a species)
When living in America during my teens, attended every protest I could physically go to to march against KKK and NeoNazi rally’s, we even (foolishly) got physical with them.
November 2011 was at Occupy Wall St. where 800+ of us were arrested on the Brooklyn Bridge. (first time being arrested at a protest)
2012-2013 worked with Greenpeace, Wilderness Society, and alongside with Bob Irwin (Steve Irwin’s dad) in his Fight for the Reef campaign to protect the Great Barrier Reef from coal shipping expansion (successfully managed to delay the Australian coal industries plan for a whole year, sadly they dredged the GBR anyway but I’d like to think we gave them a headache.)
2013 onwards - Attended every protest but at this point I’m past yelling and shouting, nowadays I hand out bottles of water and information on rights and what to do if you’re arrested or confronted by police.
2024 - Helped defend Plymouth UK from the fascist pogroms, same as above except also using my body as a shield to protect others from bricks. Hurt like a bitch but i’d take a million more. Also help run classes and leftist meetings alongside socialist members of government to teach members of the public everything from history of anti-fascism to safe resistance to mutual aid and preformative politics to cybersecurity to fascist dog-whistles and local fascist groups.
Currently diagnosed and disabled from Graves disease, but if a march were to happen outside say millionaire or billionaire gated communities i’d defy my doctors orders to show up.
Happy? This is kinda my hobby.
EDIT - If you NEED proof I can dig up the video I took back in 2011 of us marching onto the Brooklyn Bridge, but that would take effort and I don’t see why I should waste that effort on you.
What have you done?
I’m not gonna send my professional c/v to some rando on the internet. What difference does it make anyway?
He also looks like a cop and I don’t trust like that.
If I wrote the list of actions and demonstrations I visited and helped organize in the last 15 years, I’d get accused of bragging. There’s no winning against that argument, it’s either “Show me what you’ve done” ::Shows all the things:: “You’re bragging” or ::Shows nothing:: “See? I’m right.”
Coming on a little strong if you ask me.
Nature peaked here.
Didn’t Americans execute people for less?
::Looks at Americans really still just look on and do nothing while the Trump administration is tearing the country apart::
Please keep Europe out of USA’s endless wars.