If you spend your life wanting to see the end, eventually you will.
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
If you spend your life wanting to see the end, eventually you will.
At this point I don’t blame political parties or even individual politicians … I blame the American people who just keep putting up with this bullshit, justifying it all, half saying they are for it while the other half does nothing … and all of them saying its someone else’s fault.
America is generally just a nation of morons with nuclear weapons at this point.
Mute button … playing everything on mute until I’m ready to watch whatever it is I want to watch
The trade war wasn’t against Canada or Mexico or the world … it was directly against the American people and according to the belligerent, the American government is winning.
Mute button
It’s an old habit I had when all I watched was cable or satellite TV. Commercial comes on, hit the mute button, then do whatever … read a book, stare at the wall, go to the toilet, count my toes, get a snack … commercial is over, unmute.
Mute button, I’ve of the greatest inventions for any and all modern media formats.
That was established a long time ago
The ones who are completely out of their minds are the whole US government and the American people who chose this moron to represent and lead them.
No greater fool that the person or people who chose to follow a fool.
I agree and I do my best to watch meaningful content myself like documentaries and programs that actually show or teach me something. However, I sometimes drift into complete stupidity and watch lots of nonsense crap before I realize what I’m doing.
The scary part is that I see lots of young people I’m related to just spending entire days watching complete stupidity all the time.
Ummmm … it’s happened before … and the last time the Germans looked bad
GOP “By giving tax cuts to the rich, eventually some time in the future, it will mean you might get health care … somehow … which is why we need to give tax cuts to the rich”
Yeah … instead of important even life saving information, we’re fed a steady stream of absolute nonsense and even information that is the opposite of a PSA.
It also costs $100 with all proceeds going directly to Turnip
Watch as the MAGA crowd lines up
Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.
George Carlin
Market manipulation … upset the system … make it dive … buy cheap … sell them high
Keep doing this for the next four years until you become king of the world!
Exactly … they have control of the Stock Market Casino now
Drive everything into the ground … wait for cheap prices … buy low … let everything calm down for a while and hike up again and then start the cycle all over again
Keep doing it until you’ve sucked all the money out of the land and from everyone.
Win the universe.
The Streisand Effect … such a beautiful thing
The rise? … I think this more like ‘taking off the mask’
America has always been like this, they just used to make a good show of it before … now they’re just acting like they always did, they just aren’t self conscious or apologetic about it any more.
Isn’t it ironic that this list is being provided on Github?
That’s the fallacy … it was never a democracy
I can understand now why the Myceneans died out so mysteriously
Everyone always like to attack the welfare bum or the person trying to cheat a few hundred bucks out of the system
No one ever wants to talk about the millionaires and billionaires that pay little to no tax but want to have all their businesses subsidized and supported by the for free … millions of dollars at a time … when these wealthy idiots don’t need the money. The greatest twist to it all is that these wealthy morons are the same people that will argue that capitalism only works for the strongest, smartest and best individuals and companies … if you are so good and great, you don’t need government help or handouts to support your fantastic business.