Have an AI summarize it for you?
Have an AI summarize it for you?
Gaza, duh
I guess that’s why they call them singers?
Ethics is more complicated than you think it is.
There is absolutely no reason that the set of rules you learned first would be the actual set of rules that governs people.
As you have learned, being non-aggressive is not sufficient strategy to avoid others’ aggression.
There’s no reason to think it would be, except that it was in kindergarten when large authority giants would easily overpower any aggressor, and would by policy do so on behalf of the nonagressive ones.
Don’t confuse kindergarten rules for global culture. Huge mistake.
Actual culture evolved from nature, and in nature in order to protect yourself you must retaliate when attacked. Every organism has weapons. Every organism.
Meditate on that. Why would every organism use some of its previous energy budget building weapons? Why would evolution select for that 100% of the time?
You’re being thick-skulled.
We are telling you what the problem is. Listen, or continue to have the problem. It’s your choice.
If you define winning as everybody always liking you and nobody ever having a bad opinion of you then yes, you can never win.
The trick is not to define “winning” as some impossible task like everyone always liking you.
Because Canada tariffs us.
Tariffs are reserved for those who tariff US goods.
It really helps if you pay enough attention to know what’s going on.
DOGE is making recommendations to the office of the President. It’s the President’s authority on which these changes are made. They’re happening in executive branch departments, which are all under Presidential authority.
Kinda like the word “delicacy”, which only ever refers to nasty indigenous food you must pretend to enjoy to avoid offending them.
The polarity of evil has flipped so far that you can’t escape. Now anything good Musk does becomes bad in your view. Musk switches the polarity of the thing, rather than the other way around.
Musk kisses a puppy, you unfortunately must now hate puppies. Such a strong statement.
I would like to suggest a second comment as well
This is why people proclaim themselves to be powerless. Easier to check out than to try.
You know you’re allowed to print off a new copy
In my experience with bedbugs, the way I found out I had them was my sleep schedule reversed. I just found myself up all night and only sleeping during the day.
Only later did I discover it was due to bed bugs. My subconscious responded to them before I became aware of them consciously.
The reason I say this is that you mentioned your being a light sleeper with PTSD.
Bed bugs will affect your sleep. You need to take this into consideration when planning your life.
My advice leans toward saying fuck that place and finding a new one, and the reason isn’t the bedbugs but rather your landlord’s dishonesty.
Your landlord is either lying to you (concerning) or to himself (double concerning). The fact your landlord has taken anti-bedbug measures and yet claims there are no bed bugs is a major red flag.
Bed bugs are hard enough to deal with when everyone is on board and communicating, and not in denial about their existence. One of the hardest aspects of bed bugs is they’re easy to be in denial about. If anyone is showing signs of denial, that is in turn a sign that this might be an unwinnable bed bug fight.
It takes a lot of coordinated, disciplined action among a group of people to eradicate a bedbug infestation. If someone in the group is lying, that’s a very bad indication for the group’s ability to succeed.
My advice would be to confront the landlord about exactly what the fuck is going on with the bedbugs, what the history is, etc. Then, based on how authentic and trustable your landlord presents in that conversation, decide based on that.
Not as big a deal as virtue signaling to that particular British scientist, naturally, but it’s quite important to the other ones I’m sure.
Solid boundaries, clearly communicated. Giving the customer a choice without hurting their own bottom line. I agree. Excellent handling of the situation.
Someone should make a big flexible e-ink newspaper
Whoever made this gif is a genius
I don’t feel rage when I watch the news, even when I see stories I don’t like.