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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 10th, 2024


  • I’ll die on the hill that their bullshit about pronouns and respecting nonsense and made up troll identities that make a mockery of us makes the world LESS SAFE for queer people. As a queer person who is visibly gender nonconforming and at physical risk in our current political environment. Im willing to be banned from all of lemmy over this idgaf.

    Millennial queers and our elders fought like hell for acceptance so children could get their panties in a twist over being “misgendered” by strangers on the internet who don’t know them nor give a fuck what their gender is. Do these kids even touch grass? Chronically online children putting us all at risk.

    Meanwhile we have real serious threats to our physical safety in America but yeah. Let’s whine and cry about being misgendered! it’s oppression!

    Edit - IRL I call people what they want to be called. Online I have no idea who the fuck you are or what your gender is nor am I going to remember. And the genderless “they” is not undermining your gender you don’t get to police the English language. And that’s really what this is about. People who feel powerless grabbing on to what little power they have to police others behavior under the ironic concept of “gatekeeping.” That’s the pronoun whining in a nutshell.

    As for the question at hand, lock old posts, let new ones through. Their moderation is heavy handed and not queer friendly and they deserve criticism for it. Only their kind of queer is accepted. Not people like me living in reality, staring down the beginning of a genocide and telling them to grow the fuck up.

  • I AM queer. Gender nonconforming. I’ve faced trans related violence just by being perceived as trans as an adult.

    The majority of the online discourse is a bunch of queer children whining about their pronouns. “You’re misgendering someone if you call them they/them! It erases their gender!” No the fuck it does not. I’d like to reiterate I got banned for arguing that. not for disrespecting someone’s established pronouns, but for arguing about how fucking ridiculous this splitting hairs is when we have much bigger fights to fight right now.

    And yeah, this shit is triggering to me because I’ve been beat up within inches of my life and we’re fighting about fucking pronouns???while they’re building concentration camps for us??? (referring to Guantanamo, a legal black hole, which for now will be used for immigrants but we all know it’s not stopping there and the immigrants don’t deserve that treatment either)

    I believe we should call people what they want to be called while at the same time not having a fucking shit fit and banning people over using fucking English as intended. Apparently based on the dog piling of whiny queer comments it’s like I called for everyone to be hung. Fucking UNREAL.


    No you dumb fuck, I used to be BEAT IN THE FUCKING STREET FOR 15 FUCKING YEARS OF MY LIFE.

    Hearing whiny fucks bitch and moan about how oppressed they are because somebody called them a they/them instead of he/him or she/her is fucking INFURIATING.

    And y’all don’t want to admit that the pronoun bullshit is why we’ve lost so much of what we gained. Y’all don’t want to admit that being whiny fucks made y’all lose the plot.

    So now we’re all at risk, from the bottom of my autistic lesbian heart, fuck all the people who got hung up on pronouns instead of fighting the real fucking fights. Pronouns in your bio and rainbows in the street and corporate rainbow washing didn’t do fucking shit for any of us but the kids bought it hook line and sinker.

    While queers were whining about their pronouns the federalist society took over our courts. While queers were whining about their pronouns our country got couped. Queers are gonna be whining about their pronouns all the way to the concentration camp guards.