You could literally say all of this about America. Credit scores anyone? Billionaire owned social media networks that ban, shadowban, and otherwise squash leftist dissent but allow Nazis to run wild on their platforms? Fascist billionaires who spread endless 24/7 propaganda that favors them in people’s social media feeds? All of the facial recognition and spying our own agencies do against us?
Authoritarianism is bad and you don’t need to go to China to find it. It’s right here in America. By American owned companies who are above the law because they write the laws.
This is just China bad fear mongering.
I’m queer, fuck you. Fuck your feelings and fuck your pronouns too. Fuck everything about you. Call me a fascist? For holding queer people accountable for their bullshit while we have a genocide approaching us? Fuck alllllll the way off. Fucking child. Waaaah my pronounssssss go complain to the fucking concentration camp guard about being misgendered in a few years!