Thats kinda the opposite situation
Thats kinda the opposite situation
Also insurance companies that provide insurance for such companies are themselves valid targets for direct actions to cause economic loss.
No thanks. Maybe tax the eggs more and use the funds to subsidize vegetables
Not just attention, but increases risk so companies avoid such activities if they know the reward (dividend paid to shareholders) doesn’t justify the risk (equipment being damaged, assets being burned)
Vandalism is a crime. Causing economic harm to a business that is causing mass extinction is sabatogue, not a crime.
They won’t. They’ll die. Same reason why polls changed as covid progressed. So many of the idiots killed themselves (unfortunately infecting many others first)
Just get vaccinated you assholes. That’s what works.
Fuck, i wish you told me that before last night
Who is Duffy?
I gave him a dolla
While Dudek did not elaborate on what outsourcing “nonessential functions” will look like, according to The Bulwark, Martin O’Malley, who led the agency under former President Joe Biden, warned that it could involve automation and the use of artificial intelligence to replace call centers staffed by people trained to help seniors and other beneficiaries sort out complex problems.
Oh my god
Itll be brondo
Kamela is a genocide supporter.
Nah, look to the left. Vote green or communist.
Misinformation is not the same thing as disinformation.
without a link to the source, we have no idea if this is information or misinformation
Link to source?
Fair play.
So they’re basically finally returning the favour of the opium wars.
How the hell did he nearly kill him before someone intervened? Was that room full of spineless cowards or something?