Bad faith reply that continues to ignore the reality that you know exists, because reality hurts your feelings.
My gender is my concern, but you may use any pronoun to refer to me
Bad faith reply that continues to ignore the reality that you know exists, because reality hurts your feelings.
That’s actually somewhat fair. It’s not entirely baseless. The basis for my claim is your previous statement that “most people don’t abuse animals.” This is factually incorrect, and easily disproved with just the scantest effort. It’s the sort of claim a person makes for the sake of moral license rather than for the sake of argument. To manage their own feelings rather than for how convincing it will be to others. Based on that, I made the assumption that you practice the sort of animal abuse I described in my previous comment. I don’t know for a fact that you consume factory farmed animals, but in the absence of further evidence to the contrary, I feel perfectly fine with that assumption. The conclusion that you are an animal abuser then becomes an unavoidable consequence.
I assure you, the net effect of capitalism is to turn people away from veganism.
99% of the animals consumed come from factory farms. Factory farms are necessarily abusive beyond the point of atrocity. You are an animal abuser. Either own it, or change.
I wanna rock.
What does “rule” mean in this context?
Jesus. Okay. So when you say, “being short sighted”, you don’t literally mean the geometry of their eyes is myopic. You mean it figuratively. Exactly like the person you are correcting clearly means it figuratively when they say “short-term memory”.
Weird that they removed the reference to ESP32, one of the most common and widely known microcontrollers, from the headline.
You specify “cheaply”. Because you KNOW in reality, it costs more to execute a prisoner than to house and care for them. So implied by this is the existence of a fucking MAGIC WAND so that you can live in the world that best fits your ideological views. I hope you will share your fucking MAGIC WAND when you have finished reshaping society.
Sorry, what is the “standard denominator” for comparing executions?
Any state that needs to be able to kill its own citizens to survive should not survive. Any state that doesn’t need to but wants to kill its own citizens should be destroyed.
The British went about their lives with bombs falling on them every day. When you are powerless, this is how you survive.
Red and Blue both mean “conservative” here in Canada.
Imagine that, people in the wealthiest nations in the world, wanting to meet their basic needs for survival with dignity. Ha ha ha, when will they ever learn, right my friend?
Did you know that committing atrocity against chickens is in fact entirely optional? You can live a longer, healthier, wealthier life by simply not abusing animals.
I dunno if Reed was evil back in the day, but I appreciate the moral ambiguity and outright wickedness that he’s been coloured with since at least the late 80s.
Woo, new Vulfpeck!
More than Afghanistan does. Win any wars lately?
There is no such thing as “ethical meat or dairy”, so no, I am not doing that. Is there a place where you can ethically obtain slaves? Of course not. Is there a place where you can ethically kill an individual that doesn’t want to die? No, no such place exists.
I made the assumption that they consume animals. You may feel free to attack that assumption.