Lovely! I hope to get to the Baltics someday
Lovely! I hope to get to the Baltics someday
Oh, yay, the bot’s back!
I never pay full price for any of the games, they always have a few discounted and rotate through their full catalog eventually.
I didn’t but I wasn’t downloading random suspicious crap off the Internet either. I’m not sure I even saw the famous ones like I Love You or Anna Kournikova. I probably wouldn’t have been hit, though, since I’d also been taught not to open random, unexpected email attachments.
I take it you’ve never seen The Money Pit?
These are browser engines, or at least software for rendering HTML but not necessarily the actual browser. I don’t know them all, but top left, Gecko, is the engine for Mozilla, center is Web Kit for Safari, bottom center is Chromium for Chrome, Brave, Edge, etc., and bottom right is Trident, the old engine for Microsoft Internet Explorer.
FYI this article is from June 2024
This is the second reference I’ve seen to this today, so I had to look it up and see that it is (was) in fact real.
I’d definitely be pressing for criminal charges in that situation!
How hard are 6 figure jobs to get?
High School dropout NEET directly to 6-figure would probably need to involve selling drugs or something, right?
Yes, it’s a shame he doesn’t seem to be considering PeerTube