Can you share and collaborate on notes/shopping lists across accounts like Google’s Keep Notes?
This is the only thing keeping me (and presumably at least thousands of other people) from switching to another notes app.
I’d be happy to pay for it, even.
3 weeks ago (February 18th), me and my girl’s Sphynx cat died unexpectedly and dramatically (literally took his last breath in my arms).
He was only 10 years old with no prior obvious health issues.
He was like a son to us and the most sweet and gentle being that ever was, and we’re still all fucked up.
Yesterday, my in-laws call my girl (we live in the same apartment building) and kind of ambush us into pushing them into making the decision to put down their almost 16 year old Shar pei, who again, was just the sweetest boy.
I’ve been sobbing uncontrollably in between doing routine shit for the last three weeks, and today I just woke up feeling done with this fucking life.
I know it’s not the same, but nevertheless, just wanted you to know you’re not alone shoveling shit. And I’m sorry you have to go through this.