Frankly I don’t think this is an accounting tool anymore. I feel like having something in scope 4 does not happen by accident. If I am emitting CO2 when running a bikes manufacturing company, that’s like a cost (I think the correct term is an externality) that I can measure and try to minimize, balance it with the profitability of the business, etc. Ultimately it is a goal to make my activity carbon neutral.
Of I have scope 4 emission it means that I am doing something, like improving the efficiency of fuel refining for instance. It is the activity itself that causes the problem in an unfixable way. The only way out of it is to stop the activity.
I struggle to find an example of an activity with scope 4 emissions that would still provide a the same function to society if it put that scope 4 at zero?
English if we want ease of communication (and is the most likely path forward)
Esperanto if the goal is to teach it to a whole generation: it is designed to be easy to understand when you already know one European language (especially a latin one I think?)
Chinese if the goal is to speak the language of the dominant non European power in the next century