Fur is unnecessary and plastic is too.
Fur is unnecessary and plastic is too.
Being “slightly interested” doesn’t give you a pass to make shitty, half assed comments. And by the down votes that’s what people seem to think your comments are.
“I didn’t ask for it”
Buddy, that’s how link aggregators work. If you don’t like it, then only look at subscribed communities, or block ones you don’t like. Posts aren’t made specifically for you.
Maybe you should look into it before blinding commenting? And maybe read the disclaimer in the post??
You do realize you’re in a community for the game that the writer is for right? So obviously people in this community are going to care about the writer.
And giving money to his cause does not have to take away from helping others, it’s very possible to do both. Your complaining isn’t helpful at all.
Both of your comments are just complaining, that’s not being involved. And the other guys comment was just rude and ignorant.
Y’all screaming entitlement so hard sheesh.
Plastic based clothing sheds micro plastics over time, especially when you wash them.
Maybe plastic has its use cases, but it should be a lot more narrow and contained. If we could use alternatives that don’t last forever it would be a lot better.