the talk show linked in another comment. hazelight studios is valued at 10 billion SEK and he is the owner.
the talk show linked in another comment. hazelight studios is valued at 10 billion SEK and he is the owner.
generational trauma is very much real. it manifests in how parents raise their children, how communities interact, in jokes and stories about others, in the way you see people, and even in genetics.
for example, the reason pacific islanders are usually pretty heavyset is that their ancestors were starved for generations by slavers, and developed more efficient metabolisms that used less. that’s trauma from hundreds of years ago that physically manifests today.
i’ve not seen much finnish comedy but i did almost die laughing at napapiirin sankarit (second one was also good) so i will keep these recommendations. it probably helps that rural finland and rural sweden are pretty similar, all the types of guy are accounted for.
you were originally talking about people who were historically systematically prevented from attending due to the color of their skin, which means that we need to get the education level of that group up to the mean again.
if you change which group of people we’re talking about, you’re changing the historical context.
so that’s clearly fine then.
Fares is the one billionaire i respect, since he only just became one (due to hazelight’s value rocketing up). he came to Sweden as a refugee at age ten, spent all his life just making fun movies, got into games, then exploded internationally in just a few years.
he was a guest on a talk show recently, together with the new world champion of the women’s biathlon. when the topic of prize money came up and she mentioned she got 300k SEK for her win, he got pissed at the small amount and wired her another 300k on the spot.
per capita?
Penn was an actual libertarian, not an american-style one. when listening to the things he actually believes, rather than the label he used to ascribe to those beliefs, that is very clear. the reason he turned away from the label itself was that he realized he wanted nothing to do with the people using the label because he didn’t share their beliefs.
it’s probably better if gabe never meets a single one of those guys.
the way the room changes color implies that frank is the light of her life
mojeek is a search engine.
yeah, webkit (as in, the engine for safari, and the base of blink which powers chromium) is based on khtml. khtml is oooooooold.
that’s giving him too much credit. he’s just an ideas guy.
a competitor hired everyone in my department without even a single interview when the first employer was starting to go bankrupt.
i don’t know that anyone calls them rpgs.
at least you can self-host
this is why you carry a spanner, not a hammer.
if you are using ahk for things like macros, xbindkeys is your friend! It allows you to bind any command to a key or combo.
if you’re on wayland there’s no real alternative, as usual.
librewolf is still dependent on firefox for development, just like vivaldi is on chrome. there is no european web browser.