Any reason why we can’t just change the tax code to make this thing less viable? We disincentive things all the time. Like we can carve out exemptions for situations and things I’m sure but like, this shouldn’t be how to run a society.
God created shit. Tesla made it move.
as a side note though, that’s the first time I’ve seen the president of the United States shortened to PUS. I was always used to POTUS.
It seems baloney is accepted informally as the meat as well (at least according to Wikipedia).
The President doesn’t respect any laws. Why should any of its citizens?
I’ve heard mixed stuff, like some people saying it’s plastic and stuff and only serviceable via Tesla if things go wrong?
Others I know have driven it for years and have been happy except the whole Musk shit which leads to your point. (excluding Cybertruck, I don’t know anyone that drives a Cybertruck).
The noise it makes is unbearable to me.
Yeah, they probably think, well the right is doing so well so that’s probably what the country wants. We need to move further right!
Boss makes a thousand
I make a penny
So I say, “fuck work”
I’ll spend time on Lemmy
Their God emperor was wearing a mask and taking vaccine shots behind the scenes. He then tells them the opposite.
I even have trouble believing the people that “converted back”. I just think if things change for them and time passes they’ll go back to being Republicans or MAGA.