If everyone is normal then noone is normal and that’s okay
If everyone is normal then noone is normal and that’s okay
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
I will give him credit he turned computers and phones into fashion accessories. He is closer to Coco Chanel than any tech visionary. If you think about it his methods were closer to QAnon or flat earth people. You can sell some people anything if you can convince them they are better than other people if they follow you. I am still salty about him overshadowed Dennis Richie passing whole was a real tech visionary.
Chief O’Brien would be so disappointed. he wouldn’t like to be caught without a secondary backup in a crunch.
And by good at one thing you mean exploiting people and gaslighting the media.
Most likely the difference between handmade pasta and dried pasta but that’s not a geographical thing
Yeah that is his point he is trying to make at some point you just have to come to terms with that trust since you are right it’s not feasible to build your own hardware.
No worries , but i think I’m not being clear if you build it from scratch. how are you going you going to compile it ?
Your welcome but that’s the point he was making even if you build everything on your own. The backdoor would be in the compiler. So even if you built /bin/login for example he would just inject it at compile time when compiling your code. But then you asked I will just compile the compiler but you have to compile it at some point and he can inject the code back into the compiler at that point.
If you read this you will never trust anything again. If you aee not familiar with him that is Ken Thompson one of the father’s of Unix.
Its why they call it a vain not what it really is a poop tube in shrimp
It’s important to remember when they say US intelligence is also the combined intelligence of US allies with intelligence sharing agreements. Whenever things were working before it was all blown up the intelligence worked so well because NATO+ block worked as a unit. That’s why it was so important for Putin to deploy his operative to blowing up that alliance.
I kind of think of it like big give a penny take a penny tray.
Read about the Southern Strategy and you will realize it’s the same people that just switched sides.
Yeah you are right, i blocked them . thanks I guess I lost my head there for a second.
I don’t want it as it makes posts feel hollow and evaporates any desire to engage. Since the Ai is not going to have a real option i value. So it just adds to noise and just looks like more sophisticated spam.
It’s groundhog day with a different coat of paint
If I have a remote job in the US but also have dual citizenship with the country I’m moving to do I still have to pay taxes on that income or does my employer have to do anything for my move.
We live in the era of the Reckless and uninformed.