I wish Faxe Kondi was available in Sweden. It’s really good.
I wish Faxe Kondi was available in Sweden. It’s really good.
You have drives packaged like other stuff with a colourfull box with marketing and all that? All the drives I have ever bought in store or online were shipped or handed over to me like I described above.
SSDs and external hard drives usually have some kinds of retail box here, but I don’t think HDDs usually do. Granted, I have never bought the normal consumer tier drives, like Seagate baracuda or WD Blue so maybe that’s why. For personal use in my PC, I usually stick with Seagate Ironwolf or WD Red.
Don’t HDDs usually come just in antistatic bags?
All the drives I ever purchased came in just a plain box with packing materials and the drive in some antistatic bag. So I assume the retailer gets big loads of disks from the manufacturer/reseller and unpacks them and then ships them individually and thus packs them on demand.
It’s not privatization since the government(s) still owns PostNord, it’s called corporatization (Sweden owns 60% and Denmark owns 40%)
Didn’t jailbreaking pretty much die because apple made it really hard?
Isn’t this the opposite of archival though?
Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
If it’s for preservation they should probably look into tape or optical storage. Realistically your friend is not doing it for preservation considering that there are way better equipped individuals and organisations for that (the BBC for example).
I really don’t get why people have started to say that they only do it for preservation like they run a museum or an archive. Come on man, that movie is available literally everything and your hard drive will fuck up the storage of the files long before humanity losses access to that movie.
I download movies because I like free movies.
I mean he also had a glowing nose and could fly. So perhaps scientific accuracy wasn’t the main priority of the author.
For real though, why can’t people just drive at the speed limit?
That would increase inflation drastically, which is something governments absolutely don’t want.
They want inflation to be around 1-2%. Less is no good, because rich idiots would just hoard money instead of investing it. More is also no good because saved money would just disappear quickly.
So money goes in and gets deleted, and then they create money and they give it away?
When I think of it, I do the same thing every time I buy something.
The money in my bank account doesn’t get transferred, the bank just deletes it on their servers and then they create money and give it to the store.
Elon is a Vim fan I guess.
I just bought a Thule backpack that I’m quite happy with. They have quite a wide selection of options, so they are worth checking out.
I bought an Aion, main reason being that it could fit a normal 14 inch laptop (a Dell latitude if you are curious) and a 13 inch MacBook air at the same time which was the main reason I wanted a new backpack.