Use it as a daily driver. Works fine. Feels much more hygienic than stock Android.
Use it as a daily driver. Works fine. Feels much more hygienic than stock Android.
I don’t think Xerox invented the computer mouse. It was first drawn out by Douglass Engelbart and presented to the public in the 1968 presentation “Augmenting the Human Intellect” (you can watch it on the present day, it was recorded).
It was my understanding (which I did not verify) that this was picked up by Xerox and others and that windowing systems evolved from there on with Xerox leading towards Desktop Publishing.
Not that I know of. I don’t use any Google apps so I would not know of those. My bank app works. I use OSM& for maps but OrganicMaps is nicer. e/OS ships with MagicEarth which worked fine but is not FOSS. Search for locations (eg: shops) is infinitely better on Google Maps but I’m happy not to be stalked anymore.
Sometimes apps from the Play Store stop updating. It seems they find workarounds and get that running again after a while so then updates come through again. Has not been an issue so far. There’s also no Google Assistant and I have not found a good AI helper based on speech.
All in all it’s a good experience and I’m super happy I can use it. It just feels so much better to have a phone which blocks trackers in apps and not being spied on.
Holding a stock phone will feel like holding poop afterwards though. Like, you can hold it and wash your hands after, I guess, but you don’t want to touch it unless you really have to. It’s just dirty.