This is a good time for comprehensible, scientifically sound education. Furthermore, the sources of the lies should be identified and exposed as such. Both on a large scale.
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Customers can use the new feature at,, or via the Chat tab on search results.
Hier noch mal als Links:
In such case it may be helpful to provide information about every-day shopping-alternatives to the people you know and who are interested in good alternatives :)
Congratulations, well done and said 🎉
Since 25 years I am an Amazon customer. Since 2017 I am actively trying to avoid Amazon and use alternatives as much as possible, but still had purchases with Amazon.
Yesterday (cause of this call for boycott) I started my personal full exit from Amazon by dumping all my orders from 2004 to 2025 into local files. Had to use a “Chrome” browser (used Brave browser) with this extension: - took few minutes until I understood its usage, but on the extension page there is a good manual. So in the end I got all my orders with date, price, name, … in CSV files.
Also I have requested all my Amazon stored data by DSGVO (GDPR) request, but this can take up to one month (according to them). So deleting my account during this boycott week is not likely :(
Remaining steps are:
While I sympathize with the independent sellers, Amazon has become a natural target for the growing global boycotts. This could be an opportunity for sellers to explore alternative platforms that prioritize human rights, worker dignity, and environmental responsibility.
“Cozying up to the current U.S. administration” will have its consequences. Nothing goes unpunished. The U.S. has pissed off billions, and Amazon, along with other fascist supporters, will face the harsh reality of their actions this year.
Wishing you a smooth and swift recovery. And thank you for sharing your experience.
In 1995 we boycotted Shell for environmental reasons and it worked:
Towing of the platform to its final position began on 11 June. By this time, the call for a boycott of Shell products was being heeded across much of continental northern Europe, damaging Shell’s profitability as well as brand image. […]
On 20 June, Shell had decided that their position was no longer tenable, and withdrew their plan to sink the Brent Spar […]
So it needed more than a week of concerted boycott action to bring big business into trouble, but not unlimited boycott.
… and me as German reading it … at least the part which is not behind paywall :)
We (as family) decided to show face and purchased some EU merch. Yesterday we raised our new 150x100cm2 EU-flag. Also we started putting stickers on our vehicles, like the EU flag and in EU blue/yellow Love Life, Live Free. Small things, but we feel bit better through this.
Regarding your sale of old things, although not having used it by myself, I have heard good things about European , maybe it works for your region and purpose.
What else can be done: