Vice cuck learning self defense tactics from the president.
Vice cuck learning self defense tactics from the president.
Height matters too. You can have text on the right be “first” but it needs to be obviously higher on the page.
I have no clue actually. I just know he’d give some of those pearl clutchers a heart attack if he was in their bathroom.
Biggest controversy about our president at that time was that our president got blowjobs.
Consensual blow jobs.
But 1 percent is 1 per 100.
But 1 percent is 1 per 100.
Or he found his wife dead multiple times and by the time he could get to a phone to call for help he’d forgotten why he needed the phone.
It’s not about it working. It’s about creating a narrative in their own head where they are the victim even if it’s a complete fabrication. Then they can pin all their recent troubles on something that isn’t their fault. “That asshole gave me a thumbs up, then went back on it! I needed that thing for success, and he’s the reason that didn’t happen.”
Thumbprint at a 44⁰ angle instead of 45⁰. That’ll get ya every time.