What is the date on this photo?
The thing that always gets me isn’t necessarily the setup, it’s just the ease of access with Netflix or D+. If I want to re-watch all of Daredevil, it’s just there. I don’t have to download anything, it’s just ready whenever I feel like watching.
It’s sheer laziness on my part, but I accept that.
I’ve never heard of either of those so I have some research to do lol
I’ve honestly given that some serious thought. A mini pc or laptop as a dedicated media server or streaming device wouldn’t be a bad idea at all.
If pirating tv/movies was as easy on Apple TV or a gaming console as Netflix is, I would drop it in a second. I’m paying them exclusively for convenience and to fund my laziness.
Is this one of those JD Vance photoshops
I was honestly mortified at this but then I saw that the Korean military did apologize so, bygones be bygones.
I think the benefit of AI here is that it can tell OP that Doritos is owned by PepsiCo. So, doing a ctrl-f for Doritos may not turn up results in the PDF. Using AI here would be to identify sub-brands that you might not even know were associated with a larger umbrella brand.