“inspiration for economy airline seating” you’ll be missed
“inspiration for economy airline seating” you’ll be missed
so the orange skin bag with the tumbleweed toupee is the dude ‘in charge’, but his dom is actually the south african nazi so he holds the reins; nazi dom was given the role because he has money and no morals, which aligns with republican ‘values’ of being spineless, unintelligent, and greedy
Lol let’s see how proactive these power trippin fucks are about their jobs without union protection
We need to take the same approach with family that the country should be taking with red states: ignore their existence and make them pay for their stupidity and mismanagement. Make them admit wrongdoing, be accountable, and prove they’re progressing in the proper direction(s). Perpetuating their mental health and disinformation campaigns or engaging them to provide their petty platform is a similar enabling of addicts. Make them live what they’ve constructed and ignore their perceived issues. Once these people turn inward, on a large scale, then perhaps healing can begin but the country can’t heal with a bunch of mental issues baked into a large amount of US lives
confirming my theory of trash magnets existing beneath Florida
Lmfao “can’t find ma tiny dick” act. Imagine being wrong and hated so much but thinking the viable solution is to silence people. Only prescription for that type of idiocy is leadlove
checkmate planned parenthood
nothing matters to a republican beyond their personal perception, the rest is theater
another example of them shitting where they eat to benefit a few cunts
I hope they do know they can still get fucked up the ass or shot in the back with their little nazi heads in the sand 😗