Hmmm… I may skip this one. This one requires a… special mood I guess (upvoting though!)
Come with the great migration.
Hmmm… I may skip this one. This one requires a… special mood I guess (upvoting though!)
Well at least this may very well work as intended
That’s truly a joke.
It is my current understanding, from various experiences - and I want to state that I publicly engage with men and women who’ve had violent experiences in various ways on a regular basis - that men are FAR more likely to be supported when facing domestic violence by the left, the very same woke/feminist left.
The right? They don’t give a flying f*ck. As always. The incels and their variants? They don’t care. They’re in a political crusade against social justice.
Al…right. Let’s do a little sanity check and let’s see how up or downvoted is gets.
Those assertions do not contradict each other.
I do that way too often and… I wonder if it’s not a special kind of self poisoning.