I wish I had some pearls I could clutch.
Oh no, you!
I wish I had some pearls I could clutch.
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I grew up north of the toxic belt, and it’s my firm opinion that Italian food is overrated. Well, except Parmesan, I’ll give them that.
Lasagna is like a moussaka with too much tomato sauce and layers of pasta that should’ve been skipped.
Anyone who downvotes this is either Italian, or has a fetish for mashed tomatoes.
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find /mnt/gubarmentfiles/ -name “*gay*” -exec rm {} \;
– some dogenerate, propably.
(OK, I made that one up)
DO NOT call the police. They will confiscate the server as evidence, and lacking any other suspect, you will be their primary lead. Police aren’t about convictions or justice, they want to consider a case solved.
By law, you are not liable. But because of law enforcement incentives, it will absolutely become your problem.
Todays language lesson, Norwegian: “Donald kan finne seg et par russiske baller å sutte på.”
Translate into your native language, and describe, using red white and blue crayons, how it makes you feel.
Gravel is expensive if you’re doing a lot of landscaping. I’ll supply all of the entrepeneurs in the area and make a fortune.
This is only half a degree removed from the mobik cube meme a while back.
My current specific employment: A coworker of mine was laid off from my former employer, and joined the competition instead. Turns out that they needed what I do, and were willing to pay whatever it took, so they poached me with an offer I couldn’t refuse.
My job: Covid happened, and cuts were made among the field crew. I landed a role in the support structure instead, where I’ve been ever since.
My career: No fucking idea what happened. In 2008 I applied for a job and I had no idea what it was, and for which I was severely under qualified. I got it anyway.
Until more details are revealed, I choose to believe it was a PVC potato cannon.
Are one of those lines exec “shutdown -p now” ?
Logic dictates that “Jilted” means “covered in Jold”. Ergo, “jold” is a synonym for whatever causes “unfavored” or “fallen out of favor”
“We have too much jold and should get a divorce”
Which country, if you don’t mind me asking?
In my opinion, that means it’s not done yet. Since it’s mostly a steaming process, you can leave it in as long as you want to. I usually put it on in the morning, and just add a little water in the kettle throughout the day to make sure it does not dry out. Then 20 minutes in the oven before serving.
That way it usually falls off the bone easily.
Same. Didn’t try it until I was in my 30’s and it was kinda meh at best… until I tried a well made one later.
Norwegian, here. Lutefisk is incredible if done right, but it’s easy to fuck up severely. So if someone were to try and cook something based on my recommendation, I’d suggest Fårikål or Pinnekjøtt instead, as they’re both incredibly easy to make and quite tasty.
Red Dwarf, on the other hand, used Smeg. Which today is a company that makes excellent fridges.