8 days agotbh I’d like to see this map with subregions. The differences within a country can be vast. Some of Brazil’s major cities have lower homocide rates than some of the most dangerious cities in the US
wikipedia list ranking cities by homocides per 100000 inhabitants.
São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, two cities widely regarded as dangerous by brazilians, aren’t even in the top 50 on that list, while there are several major US cities. So I think looking only at the country-level you don’t really get a good picture of violence in the americas
und an dem schwarzblauem Block ändert sich nichts, wenn die Mittelinksparteien sich vor den Rechten hertreiben lassen. Die Linke blieb eben stabil, auch wenn das zwischenzeitlich nicht gut für die Umfragen war. So sollten das Grüne und SPD auch machen