I don’t know what you think is reasonable pricing? Fritz is definitely more expensive (in restaurants or snack bars, the difference is often small though) but good, and ethical, and German: https://fritz-kola.com/en-gb
I ran from Reddit, it be like that
I don’t know what you think is reasonable pricing? Fritz is definitely more expensive (in restaurants or snack bars, the difference is often small though) but good, and ethical, and German: https://fritz-kola.com/en-gb
De Telegraaf is fucking rightwing rag that puts The Daily Heil to shame
Boi looks like he got a divan-ban
Type fuck to pay respect
I was not exactly in dire need of being reminded of that, thanks
Leonard Ball hated fat people? Apt.
Trans portation?
God I am making that too often
Goddamnit man, I nearly wet my pants laughing, this was WAY too familiar
Google: “Am I a joke to you??”
Next, Grok has decided to end trans-port, can’t have them boats with all them lgbtqiasgrguch immigrants!!
How did you know???
We need a CleverComebacks and the like communities!
My point eggsactly, free range skeletons at no cost, compostable after use!
There are not many times I feel sorry for cockroaches, but setting RFK onto them would be one.
Well, it’ll save so much on plastic skeletons, they can finally afford some eggs!
Can confirm, am Luthor. Wasn’t my best day.
Apparently it’s true https://people.com/pets/life-saving-utah-dog-is-rewarded-with-a-spot-in-her-owners-high-school-yearbook/ (and without the funkey grey smudge)
I’m afraid Fritz will be a bit if a disappointment too then, as it is per liter about twice the price of US colas.