Same except I latched onto CZ and found a scouzknivez community. Then WoW happened. Then I got dragged onto CSS and ended up running a clan for a while. CSGO and 2 never had an appeal for me.
Same except I latched onto CZ and found a scouzknivez community. Then WoW happened. Then I got dragged onto CSS and ended up running a clan for a while. CSGO and 2 never had an appeal for me.
1.6 relies on community hosted servers, 2 relies primarily on centralized servers and queueing mechanism. There are changes to core maps. Changes to weapons. 2 very much has the features you would expect from a modern game. 1.6 is very bare bones, but highly customizable through addons; each server can install their own addons and make the user experience unique. Hopefully this 1.6 remake will keep the server customizability intact.
If you are building a CC network, look at blockchain as the method, specifically Monero or XMR. It is anonymous and so far had been unbroken so is currently untraceable. If EU supports anonymous purchases then even better, just feed cash into the ATM to load your XMR-backed account.
Yea same here. I am actually looking forward to CS Legacy.