This just in folks, boycotting Amazon for a week is “no good”. Don’t do it!
This just in folks, boycotting Amazon for a week is “no good”. Don’t do it!
That’s it! Let perfect be the enemy of good!
Don’t hurt your back patting it so hard!
Good job
Some people can’t even handle a 1-day boycott. I think you’re overestimating the average person’s tolerance for discomfort.
All techbros are nerds, but not all nerds are techbros.
How do you get people who can’t see themselves boycotting indefinitely? You get them used to it by getting them on board to boycott for a fixed length of time. Ideally, as they warm up to the idea, you get them to boycott for longer.
He’s more subtle. He’s been calling him just “Donald”.
I haven’t seen this take spreading much yet, so posting it here too:
Canada needs to start stealing IP from the US and violating their copyright. Create and sell jailbreaks for American hardware.
That was part of the free-trade agreement, so there’s no reason to continue honoring it at this point.
I’ve been using Kagi for a bit. If I search for things one can buy, I get results similar to Google.
What have you found lacking in DDG for online shopping?
It’s simply that this is a Canada vs the US thing, not a left vs right thing.
Ford is a meat-headed bully, which just happens to come in handy against another meat-headed bully.
What Canada needs to start doing is violating US copyright and stealing their IP. Sell jailbreaks for American hardware.
That was part of the free-trade deal, so why would Canada keep up that side of the bargain?
Any specific questions?